Marijuana Legalization

What Everyone Needs to Know

Von Caulkins, Jonathan P.; Kilmer, Beau; Kleiman, Mark A.R.

Oxford University Press, 2. Aufl. 2016. 304 S. 223 mm, Gebunden

ISBN: 978-0-19-026241-9

69,80 €

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Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know® provides readers with a non-partisan primer covering everything from the risks and benefits of using marijuana to what is happening with marijuana laws around the world. This book serves as the price of admission for any serious discussion about marijuana legalization.

Should marijuana be legalized? Since 2012 four US states have legalized commercial for-profit marijuana production and use, while Washington DC has legalized possession, growth and gifting of limited amounts of the plant. Other states, and even cities, have decriminalized possession, allowed for medical use, or reduced possession to a misdemeanor. While marijuana is forbidden by international treaties and by national and local laws across the globe, polls show that
public support for legalization has continued to increase steadily over time. So why does the issue of marijuana legalization continue to be so controversial?

One short answer is that it is an extremely complicated business, with approaches toward legalization just within the United States varying widely. What's more, not all supporters of "legalization " agree on what it is they want to legalize: Just using marijuana? Growing it? Selling it? Advertising it? If sales are to be legal, what regulations and taxes should apply? Different forms of legalization have demonstrated very different results.

This second edition of Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know® provides readers with a non-partisan primer covering everything from the risks and benefits of using marijuana to what is happening with marijuana policy in the United States and abroad. The authors discuss the costs and benefits of legalization at the state and national levels and explore the "middle ground " of policy options between prohibition and commercialized production. The book also considers
the personal impact of marijuana legalization on parents, heavy users, medical users, employers, and even drug traffickers.

Here is a book by four leading experts who collaborate in answering questions about marijuana and its possible legalization. Everything you might want to ask, answered crisply and accurately! And the four authors give, at the end, their separate recommendations: they differ, but they've agreed on 149 answers. A remarkable collaboration, and a pioneering format worth emulating. Thomas Schelling, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences

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